Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there a difference between the 5-day, 3-day and 2-day program?
A: All programs follow the same morning routine. The activities and curriculum are based on observations and needs of the children in each program.
Q: My child still naps. Do you offer naps during school?
A: We do not offer naps as part of our program. Younger children usually participate in the nursery program (ending at 12) and go home for naps. Once your child is no longer napping, or if they are napping later in the afternoon, you can add lunch and extended hours. If you would like your child to stay for lunch, but not the full extended program, please reach out to membership.
Q: Can my child and I come into the school for a visit?
A: We absolutely encourage families to come to visit, meet the teachers, see our space, and check out our program. It is asked that you email the staff to arrange a date to visit at [email protected]. The teachers can be busy during the class hours, but they are more than happy to have you and your child join in for the morning, and will answer any questions you may have at the end of the morning.
Q: How do I register my child?
A: Applications are accepted in February for September start that year, but are ongoing until we fill the programs. To register you can complete the online registration form.
Q: When do I find out if my child has a spot in the program?
A: We know you need time to make appropriate childcare and programming arrangements for your family, so upon receiving your registration form, our Membership chair will contact you to confirm your child’s spot in the program. If the program is full we will put your child’s name on a waiting list. The Membership Chair will update you should a spot become available.
Q: My child won't be 2.5 in September. Could my little one start at a later time in the year?
A: Yes, it is possible if a space opens up during the course of the year and your child has become old enough. Please submit an application and we will add your child to our wait list.
Q: Can my child be placed on the wait list after the program begins in September?
A: Yes. Family plans change and we will keep you updated about any available spots that open over the course of the year.
Q: What does play-based program mean?
A: This means children are encouraged to follow their own interests through play. Children are naturally curious and learn best through hands-on exploration and discovery. It embraces the innate curiosity and creativity of children to foster their development. We do not have a formal academic curriculum or reporting structure.
Q: Can my child attend if they are not toilet trained?
A: Yes they can. Children learn these things in their own time, and we follow the parent’s recommendations with how we can assist with toilet training. We have diaper-changing facilities in the children’s bathroom.
Q: Is My School part of the new subsidised day care program?
A: Because of the unique structure of My School, we are at this time not eligible to participate in CWELCCS.
Q: My partner and I work full-time. Is our nanny able to cover some or all duty days?
A: Absolutely! We welcome your caregivers whether they're your nanny or a relative (like a grandparent). We ask that the person or people your family identifies as duty day volunteers have their Police Reference Check and Adult Immunization forms completed, sign the appropriate forms in the application package, and attend our orientation night.
Q: What happens if I miss a duty day?
A: Every effort to accommodate your family's schedule is made when the month's duty roster is put together, but we know life happens. You are able to swap duty days as needed in advance and we have a procedure in place for last minute cancellations and making up missed days.
Q: Can I bring other children on my duty days?
A: Unfortunately, duty persons cannot bring other children on their duty days. There are usually several families who have other children at home, so it may be possible to arrange for childcare sharing. For families with infants, arrangements can be made to take maternity leave from duty days. Catch up duty days can be taken later in the year.
Q: I have a particular skill and wonder if I can fill a volunteer need this way?
A: We are a flexible co-operative organization that benefits from each year's special group of families. Let us know on your application if you think you have a skill-set we could use. In past years we've benefited from woodworkers, children's entertainers, photographers, web developers, musicians, number crunchers, fundraisers and more.
Q: My child has a very serious food allergy. How does the school accommodate allergies?
A: The welfare of our kids is My School's highest priority. The teachers are all First Aid trained. During our mandatory orientation we train duty day volunteers on food handling, first-aid, and sanitation guidelines. We discuss the particular allergies of children in the class and we are required to post your child's name, picture, allergy and expected reaction prominently in the classroom. We maintain a nut-free environment and we do not allow any known severe allergy-inducing foods into the classroom. The lunch caterer can accommodate most allergies and special meals.
Q: My child is at a hitting stage. What will happen if he hits another child?
A: We do not shame or time out, but model problem solving with the children and describe what we see, label feelings and comfort the child who is hurt and give the child who hits strategies of what they can do instead (of hitting).
Q: My child goes to the drop-in centre? How is My School any different?
A: Unlike the drop-in centre -- where your child is always within physical reach of you or their caregiver --your child will go through the emotions of being away from you, learn self-help skills and self confidence to explore without you around them. The attendance is consistent and your child will have an opportunity to develop friendships without your assistance. The environment is warm and supportive, with an excellent child/adult ratio to offer support when needed. For each child there are different expectations, and the teachers work to challenge each child to develop at their own pace.
Q: How do I apply for a vulnerable sector screening?
A: Individuals apply directly to the Toronto Police Service for a vulnerable sector check online. We will provide more information about this with our admissions package.
Q: Do you offer before and after care?
A: My School only operates from 9:05 AM until 2:30 PM Monday through Friday. We do not offer before or after care.
Q: What do kids eat for lunch in the extended program?
A: We offer a catered vegetarian lunch provided by Wholesome Kids. A sample menu can be found here. LINK TO MENU PDF
Q: What type of snacks are served to students?
A: We provide a simple, nutritious snack each morning, which the duty parent helps prepare. We always offer a few different fruits and veggies along with whole wheat crackers or Shreddies. Children are encouraged to help themselves and to tidy up when they’re finished with the duty person's encouragement ensuring it runs smoothly.
Q: What are the responsibilities of parents with the Co-op model?
A: Each family is required to participate in monthly Duty Days. They must also volunteer on one of our committees or assume a board role. Families are also required to attend our annual general meeting and participate in one clean-up night throughout the year.
Q: What is the ratio of students to teachers?
A: We follow Ministry of Education guidelines with a maximum ratio of 1:8. In addition, we always have a Duty Day Volunteer in the classroom, which increases the ratio of adult to student.
Q: How old does my child need to be to attend My School?
A: Children must be 30 months to attend My School. We offer a very limited amount of under age spots. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about your child’s eligibility.
Q: Can I register my child for 2-days a week then switch to 3-days or 5-days?
A: Provided we have space in the program, yes. However, our programs do fill up quickly so we can’t guarantee a spot in a different program once you have been admitted.
Q: Can I register my child for the morning program then add the lunch & extended option?
If a spot is available, yes. We have had some children add the lunch & extended option later in the year or add a few days a week. We are happy to accommodate this, when possible, but can’t guarantee this will be available if the program is full.
A: All programs follow the same morning routine. The activities and curriculum are based on observations and needs of the children in each program.
Q: My child still naps. Do you offer naps during school?
A: We do not offer naps as part of our program. Younger children usually participate in the nursery program (ending at 12) and go home for naps. Once your child is no longer napping, or if they are napping later in the afternoon, you can add lunch and extended hours. If you would like your child to stay for lunch, but not the full extended program, please reach out to membership.
Q: Can my child and I come into the school for a visit?
A: We absolutely encourage families to come to visit, meet the teachers, see our space, and check out our program. It is asked that you email the staff to arrange a date to visit at [email protected]. The teachers can be busy during the class hours, but they are more than happy to have you and your child join in for the morning, and will answer any questions you may have at the end of the morning.
Q: How do I register my child?
A: Applications are accepted in February for September start that year, but are ongoing until we fill the programs. To register you can complete the online registration form.
Q: When do I find out if my child has a spot in the program?
A: We know you need time to make appropriate childcare and programming arrangements for your family, so upon receiving your registration form, our Membership chair will contact you to confirm your child’s spot in the program. If the program is full we will put your child’s name on a waiting list. The Membership Chair will update you should a spot become available.
Q: My child won't be 2.5 in September. Could my little one start at a later time in the year?
A: Yes, it is possible if a space opens up during the course of the year and your child has become old enough. Please submit an application and we will add your child to our wait list.
Q: Can my child be placed on the wait list after the program begins in September?
A: Yes. Family plans change and we will keep you updated about any available spots that open over the course of the year.
Q: What does play-based program mean?
A: This means children are encouraged to follow their own interests through play. Children are naturally curious and learn best through hands-on exploration and discovery. It embraces the innate curiosity and creativity of children to foster their development. We do not have a formal academic curriculum or reporting structure.
Q: Can my child attend if they are not toilet trained?
A: Yes they can. Children learn these things in their own time, and we follow the parent’s recommendations with how we can assist with toilet training. We have diaper-changing facilities in the children’s bathroom.
Q: Is My School part of the new subsidised day care program?
A: Because of the unique structure of My School, we are at this time not eligible to participate in CWELCCS.
Q: My partner and I work full-time. Is our nanny able to cover some or all duty days?
A: Absolutely! We welcome your caregivers whether they're your nanny or a relative (like a grandparent). We ask that the person or people your family identifies as duty day volunteers have their Police Reference Check and Adult Immunization forms completed, sign the appropriate forms in the application package, and attend our orientation night.
Q: What happens if I miss a duty day?
A: Every effort to accommodate your family's schedule is made when the month's duty roster is put together, but we know life happens. You are able to swap duty days as needed in advance and we have a procedure in place for last minute cancellations and making up missed days.
Q: Can I bring other children on my duty days?
A: Unfortunately, duty persons cannot bring other children on their duty days. There are usually several families who have other children at home, so it may be possible to arrange for childcare sharing. For families with infants, arrangements can be made to take maternity leave from duty days. Catch up duty days can be taken later in the year.
Q: I have a particular skill and wonder if I can fill a volunteer need this way?
A: We are a flexible co-operative organization that benefits from each year's special group of families. Let us know on your application if you think you have a skill-set we could use. In past years we've benefited from woodworkers, children's entertainers, photographers, web developers, musicians, number crunchers, fundraisers and more.
Q: My child has a very serious food allergy. How does the school accommodate allergies?
A: The welfare of our kids is My School's highest priority. The teachers are all First Aid trained. During our mandatory orientation we train duty day volunteers on food handling, first-aid, and sanitation guidelines. We discuss the particular allergies of children in the class and we are required to post your child's name, picture, allergy and expected reaction prominently in the classroom. We maintain a nut-free environment and we do not allow any known severe allergy-inducing foods into the classroom. The lunch caterer can accommodate most allergies and special meals.
Q: My child is at a hitting stage. What will happen if he hits another child?
A: We do not shame or time out, but model problem solving with the children and describe what we see, label feelings and comfort the child who is hurt and give the child who hits strategies of what they can do instead (of hitting).
Q: My child goes to the drop-in centre? How is My School any different?
A: Unlike the drop-in centre -- where your child is always within physical reach of you or their caregiver --your child will go through the emotions of being away from you, learn self-help skills and self confidence to explore without you around them. The attendance is consistent and your child will have an opportunity to develop friendships without your assistance. The environment is warm and supportive, with an excellent child/adult ratio to offer support when needed. For each child there are different expectations, and the teachers work to challenge each child to develop at their own pace.
Q: How do I apply for a vulnerable sector screening?
A: Individuals apply directly to the Toronto Police Service for a vulnerable sector check online. We will provide more information about this with our admissions package.
Q: Do you offer before and after care?
A: My School only operates from 9:05 AM until 2:30 PM Monday through Friday. We do not offer before or after care.
Q: What do kids eat for lunch in the extended program?
A: We offer a catered vegetarian lunch provided by Wholesome Kids. A sample menu can be found here. LINK TO MENU PDF
Q: What type of snacks are served to students?
A: We provide a simple, nutritious snack each morning, which the duty parent helps prepare. We always offer a few different fruits and veggies along with whole wheat crackers or Shreddies. Children are encouraged to help themselves and to tidy up when they’re finished with the duty person's encouragement ensuring it runs smoothly.
Q: What are the responsibilities of parents with the Co-op model?
A: Each family is required to participate in monthly Duty Days. They must also volunteer on one of our committees or assume a board role. Families are also required to attend our annual general meeting and participate in one clean-up night throughout the year.
Q: What is the ratio of students to teachers?
A: We follow Ministry of Education guidelines with a maximum ratio of 1:8. In addition, we always have a Duty Day Volunteer in the classroom, which increases the ratio of adult to student.
Q: How old does my child need to be to attend My School?
A: Children must be 30 months to attend My School. We offer a very limited amount of under age spots. Reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions about your child’s eligibility.
Q: Can I register my child for 2-days a week then switch to 3-days or 5-days?
A: Provided we have space in the program, yes. However, our programs do fill up quickly so we can’t guarantee a spot in a different program once you have been admitted.
Q: Can I register my child for the morning program then add the lunch & extended option?
If a spot is available, yes. We have had some children add the lunch & extended option later in the year or add a few days a week. We are happy to accommodate this, when possible, but can’t guarantee this will be available if the program is full.