Why a Co-op?
Belonging to a Co-op is a rich and rewarding experience.
Be part of your child’s early education Research shows that preschool years are the foundation of future learning. Every family is required to volunteer once a month. On the duty day, you help prepare snack and interact with the children and teachers. You get the chance to observe your child with the other children, teachers and learn about their day at school. “I wasn’t sure what to expect with our “duty days” but it has been so special to get a chance to watch our shy 2.5 year old blossom into a social, confident, curious 4 year old over her time at My School. It’s such a unique opportunity we won’t get again when she heads off to JK and one we will surely miss!” - SR Ease your child into a formal school setting with the reassurance of your presence. On duty days, parents laugh and enjoy their time together with the teachers and children. The bond built between the teachers and the parents fosters a trusting relationship with the teacher and your child.There is a sense that the teacher, for that very special time in your child’s life, is an extension of your family. “One of the most AMAZING highlights of my parenting experience..We were there for four irreplaceable years...I would absolutely recommend MySchool. Wonderful, caring, creative, brilliant teachers (who will teach you a lot too if you watch closely!) :o) Don't miss this chance to enrich the lives of your entire family, connect with your neighbourhood, meet like minded families and new friends. Volunteer to give something back to your neighbourhood and spend this time with your small children." K.M. Connect with your community Parents get the chance to get to know the many wonderful families in the school. While your child makes new friends, you too will have the chance to make new friends and share in new experiences. The school becomes a community that extends beyond the classroom and beyond the time your child spends at My School. It brings new friendships, for both children and parents and a great sense of belonging. "My son has met his best friends at MySchool and in turn I have met some of the most amazing parents and kids in my neighbourhood. I'm so lucky to be able to send my second son next year so I get to stay in this incredible community for 2 more years." J.P. Keeps costs down and child/adult ratios up With volunteering parents, we are able to exceed Ministry of Education guidelines followed by most preschool programs. Because parents contribute to the management and operation of the school, fees reflect the added in-kind support. |